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In compare 12V halogen to incandescent and LED spotlight 12V (GU10/5.3)

Lamp typeLuminous efficiencyLifetime
Light bulb10 lm/Wca. 1000 h
Halogen lamp15 - 25 lm/Wca. 2000 h
LED light60 - 100 lm/Wca. 25000 h

This table above clearly shows that an exchange of halogen to LED makes perfect sense. Even at low
burn durations, payback occurs within one year of implementation.

For use in hotels having high burning times the costs are usually saved after 2-3 months.

The Socket Type GU5.3

The so-called low-voltage lamps have lead pins type GU5.3 and are simply plugged into the socket. The
pin distance of have just 5.3mm. The operation is possible with 12V AC or DC, which consists of a LED transformer.
It should be ensured that the minimum load is not exceeded by energy-saving LEDON spots. Often is
a replacement of old transformers with modern LED transformers needed.

The topic with dimming by LEDON Spots MR16 (GU10 or GU5.3)

While halogen bulbs could be dimmed easily, it is only possible with LEDON spots and other LED lamps,
which are explicit marked accordingly as "dimmable". With low voltage you also have to be careful, that
the transformer is also dimmable. If you ignore it, so there may be flickering at LED spots and both of them
could be destroyed.

Most application of LED Spot 12V with GU5.3:

Hotels, restaurants, offices and meeting rooms. Actually everywhere where previously MR16 halogen lamps
are used. Exchange it now!


LED service 4 U


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Here we have created many helpful contributions illustriously and informatively.

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